I got here quite recently, so I have no idea how good this gets. Thanks for these to read, and I'm excited for your project to revisit some of your earlier works.

However, if Parelthonology isn't on your list of best works, then it must be a shaped charge that worked out to fire very specifically at me. The whole is great, but everything that follows "Conclusions: May love crush this world under its foot" is so good that I'm willing to postulate that your current fear that you're running out of ideas might be due to having put into words the heart of everything that matters and being exhausted on account. So a. thanks and b. I thought you should know.

Also c. Victory to love.

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The list isn't updated often, or ever really, it's just stuff I'm comfortable serving as an introduction to people who have stumbled along the blog. Thanks for your kind words.

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My two cents on the empathy question: all interesting human behaviour is overdetermined. When something is big and popular, there will be multiple motivations behind it. Leftism motivated by empathy is the best version of it, leftism motivated by snobbery is the worst version of it, snobbery as in laughing at the uneducated rednecks and not noticing the massive class privilege behind it. (facepalm.reddit.com). Conversely, conservatism at it its best is motivated by pragmatism and caution (perhaps this is better called centrism), and at its worst motivated by privilege-blinded selfishness or hatred or pathological fear of conspiracies.

You can't make people more empathic (well you could try MDMA in the water suppy), your best bet to make leftism both better and more popular is to try to suppress snobbery. Confront all the laughing-at-uneducated-rednecks people and call out their blindness to class privilege.

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