A better idea, if I may. A public social media platform. Its algorithm would allow user control but by default it would be programmed to connect you with your fellow humans directly, outside of the platform, and to discourage excessive use by getting more boring the longer you’re on it. “Hey user, you’ve been browsing this network good an hour; send a text message to one of your friends asking how they’re doing.”

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I forgot to mention Kagi! I apologize. Please try it; the first 100 searches are free.

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Facebook's addictive, sure; less so with the removal of reels, sponsored posts et cetera. What do you think of extant tactics for minimizing addiction and manipulation, e.g. Firefox, DuckDuckGo, RSS feeds, adblockers, Tor... I hear that X and TikTok are more addictive than FB, but they drive me crazy, and I avoid them, so I can't tell. As for political manipulation, I'm a lifelong Libertarian Party ticket voter, so most of the Republicrap stuff misses me.

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Sigh ... You are not the first person to have an idea like this.

Basically, it just costs too much. And too few people are willing to actually pay for it. The next reply is to suggest it should be some sort of grant-supported nonprofit. Again, the amounts don't work out, by orders of magnitude. A government-run public service would be a nice idea, but we can barely even have National Public Radio. It's a deep political allocation of resources problem, not a technological problem.

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I like it. I'm into computer science my self and all it took was the word "algorithm" to draw me in. I might if I get smart enough for it put the idea out there. It does sound beneficial and would cure a problem I have also noticed and experienced.

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There are a variety of ad-blockers, including website-specific ones like chrome extensions that block ads and reels on Facebook. My preferred general ad-blocker is Ublock Origin.

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