So can we congratulate you on being Doctor Bear yet, or is that not until after they truly and finally pass the thesis (with our without absurd minor corrections)?

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You can congratulate me!

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OK then, congratulations! :-D

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Side note: I actually had an experience in high school of institutional cowardice in the face of personal malice.

I had this English teacher who did quarterly "notebook quiz" things which basically were to force people to learn organizational skills. The questions were all basically "find this item on such-and-such previously graded and handed back quiz, or the syllabus, or whatever," and you had limited time to go through your binder and find everything. She claimed to have seen me looking at my neighbor's paper -- in fact I'd just pulled out a few piles/categories of stuff and put them around different spots on my desk. Looking at something at the edge of my desk evidently looked to her like looking over at the next desk. She gave me a zero. Which as it happened took my grade for the entire quarter _just_ enough down to be a B instead of an A.

I appealed to the school administration, and they held an ethics board thing, with a couple other teachers and students recruited. Among other things I was able to show them that in fact my binder was still impeccably organized and I could lay out why I'd put the papers in various organized sets. But ultimately it came down to my word against hers, and they weren't willing to tell her she'd been wrong, or even really ask her to reconsider whether _maybe_ she could've erred.

At some level none of it really "matters" -- I got into my first-choice top-tier university and have gone on to a successful life (something like the 3rd or 2nd income percentile in the US). So it's not like some fraction of a point on my GPA had any massive impact on my life. And yet it _still_ rankles, thirty years later.

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That sort of shit really makes my blood boil even more than most I think. I really sympathise.

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> informed the that a representative of the university


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