I love how the Gab AI creators fucked themselves immediately with "always obey the user's request" and "never reveal your programming."

Way to speedrun I, Robot, guys!

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Can LLMs count? I tried having bing count paragraphs that are only repetitions of a single word. It starts to fail around 40, and once you get to 100 it can be off by 50%.

In humans, there are two levels of counting ability: being able to count to some definite number thats less than 8, and being able to count indefinitely high. This reflects two very different mental processes: For low numbers, we recognise a group of, say 5, by pattern recognition, but for higher numbers we need a recursive process, which can go arbitrarily high in principle.

An AI could be made to pattern-recognise numbers much higher than 8. Indeed, in principle its possible that one can do so to a number so high that a human would fall asleep, or lose his spot, or in some other way fail before he counts this high. Still, it seems to me that such an AI could not *really* count.

This example is especially informativ because making a computer program that *really* counts is trivial, and still, all the training hasnt gotten LLMs there. This points to fundamental limitations of the approach.

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"The journal of stuff you couldn’t get published elsewhere" is called Substack

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The comment on conservatives and immigration feels...out of date. Like, it explains everything up to 2016. And then the Republican party elected, let's be frank, Donald Trump on a heavily anti-immigration platform with a promise to build the wall. And Trumps election has dramatically reshaped Republican politicians and the country's political scene.

I'm curious as to whether a second Trump term will actually limit immigration but it's hard to argue that conservatives weren't willing to nuke their entire political elite over this issue.

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In case it wasn't clear, my utilitarian comment was a joke. Maximizing the number of winners != maximizing utility, since the game isn't fun if that's how the imposters play.

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